1300 W. Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2996
Main: (602) 262-5601
Fax Number: (602) 262-5620
Email: safety@azcc.gov
Pipeline Main: (602) 252-4449
Railroad Main: (602) 542-7772
Email: railroad-web@azcc.gov
Asegurar que los ciudadanos de Arizona tengan sistemas ferroviarios y de tuberías que se operen y mantengan de la manera más segura posible.
Check here to sign up for Consumer Alerts from the Corporation Division. To receive alerts for your business register at eCorp.azcc.gov.Please call 602-542-3026 with questions for the Corporations Division.
Check here to sign up for Notices and Agendas for Commission Meetings, Hearings and Appearances.Please call 602-542-3931 with any questions.
Check here to receive the latest Commission News Releases and information. Please call 602-542-0728 with any questions.