Jim O'Connor

Chairman O'Connor's Leadership Guides Progress

Under the leadership of Chairman Jim O'Connor, the Arizona Corporation Commission has been working diligently to create positive change. Focused on the Commission's mission, O'Connor has consistently prioritized the protection of investors and consumers, encouragement of business growth, and enhancement of the state's economic vitality through fair rates for water and power services. Recently, O'Connor showcased his dedication to the role by advocating for a significant budget increase before various legislative and executive bodies, as well as at the Arizona Competitive Power Alliance Conference. This strategic move is aimed at strengthening the Commission's ability to address critical issues and deliver tangible results for the people of Arizona.


With O'Connor at the helm, the Arizona Corporation Commission has made considerable progress in ensuring operational accountability. His efforts to enhance the agency's performance have garnered widespread support and laid a strong foundation for long-term success. The proposed budget increase, advocated by O'Connor, highlights his determination to further amplify the Commission's impact. By obtaining additional resources, O'Connor aims to reduce regulatory barriers, increase ratepayer trust, and secure Arizona's energy future.

Arizona Corporation Commission

1200 W. Washington Street

Phoenix, AZ 85007


Corporations Division

1300 W. Washington Street

Phoenix, AZ 85007


Tucson Office (Walk-ins only)

400 W. Congress Street

Tucson, AZ 85701