1300 W. Washington Street

Phoenix, AZ 85007-2996


Customer Service: (602) 542-3026


Toll Free In-State Only: 1-(800) 345-5819



New Federal Filing Requirement beginning January 1, 2024.


The Corporate Transparency Act passed by Congress to combat money laundering and terrorist financing requires Beneficial Owner Information be reported for all LLCs and Corporations. The reporting requirement goes into effect January 1, 2024.  Businesses formed between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024 have 90 days to file the initial report. After January 1, 2025, businesses have 30 days to file the initial report. 

For more information about this new filing requirement please click here or go to https://www.fincen.gov/boi


11/9/2018 - Effective November 16, 2018, the Corporations Division will no longer accept American Express as a payment method. Only Visa and Mastercard will be accepted if you are paying by credit card.

9/26/2018 - DOCUMENT SUBMISSION OR RESUBMISSION - Effective October 5,2018 at 5 pm MST, we will no longer accept documents via email. The document intake email is being discontinued effective October 5, 2018 at 5 pm. We STRONGLY encourage you to file any new submission online (paper resubmissions cannot be made online). We will also accept documents delivered to us in person or by the U.S. Post Office at our physical address. NOTE FOR ONLINE FILING -- you can upload your own document, but you must do the data entry during the filing flow. If you do not, the data will not match the document you upload and that will be rejected.

8/10/2018 - LLC EFFECTIVE DATE - Did you know that your LLC formation will be effective on the date we received it (once it is processed and filed)? For example, if you deliver it to us electronically or on paper on August 1, even if it takes us until August 31 to examine it and mark it FILED, it will be considered formed as of August 1.

5/29/2018 - NEW SYSTEM - As many of you are aware, we implemented a new computer database system on May 21. The transition has not been smooth, and we apologize for that. We continue this week with issues, most of which affect us internally. This means our processing times have extended. We will post the processing times on this page, since the link in the system is not working. 
If you notice inaccuracies in an entity record, please notify us by emailing answers@azcc.gov.

MOD account holders should now have access to their existing accounts. If you do not, please email answers@azcc.gov
Statutory Agents - you should have received some instructions today. Click here for that document.

2/23/2018 - DID YOU KNOW? In Arizona, the Sexual Harassment laws apply to an employer who has just one employee. See Arizona Civil Rights Act, A.R.S. § 41-1461(6)(a).

2021-06-29 - AUTHORIZED USERS AND AUTHORIZED ENTITIES WILL APPEAR IN ECORP - On June 29, 2021 each email account will be able to designate who can and cannot file on an entity.  If you have not been designated as an authorized filer, you will not be able to file on that entity.  This is for online filings only. For more information CLICK HERE.
2021-06-14 - REOPENING TO THE PUBLIC - On June 14, 2021, the Corporations Division is re-opening its doors to the public. Hours will be from 8:00am to 4:55pm. Although not required, you are highly encouraged to book an online appointment prior to arriving. Walk-ups are welcomed, but you may incur a wait time if you do not have an appointment. Booking an appointment online will ensure that you will be served at your selected booking time. To book an appointment, please visit our website at www.azcc.gov, and click the link that says Book an Appointment. 

2020-09-22 - NEW STATUTORY CHANGES AFFECTING LLCs - In relation to the Arizona Limited Liability Company Act, several statutory changes will affect both foreign and domestic LLCs. Although there are several new statutes to be aware of, one statute that will affect all LLCs is that seen within A.R.S. § 29-3201. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 29-3201, statutory agents for LLCs must now provide an Arizona street address and mailing address. If a mailing address is not indicated, the street address will default to the mailing address. As a courtesy to our customers to make any necessary amendments to their LLCs, these changes will not be implemented until November 1, 2020. For a more detailed list of changes, please find the Consumer Alerts Notice entitled, "2019-09-01-Arizona Limited Liability Company Act."

2020-07-21 - Now Accepting Electronic Foreign Formations and Global Changes to Statutory Agent Addresses - As of July 2020, individuals representing foreign businesses (businesses coming from outside of Arizona) can file for business electronically through the Commission's online portal, "eCorp." In addition, a new and improved online feature allows for global changes to be made to the addresses of statutory agents for numerous businesses all at once. For more information and to read the full press release click here.
2020-04-21 - SAME DAY/NEXT DAY SERVICES ARE HERE! Same Day/Next Day Services will be available tomorrow April 22, 2020. For more information please click here.

2019-09-01 - ARIZONA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ACT. Changes are effective September 1, 2019. The new statutes can be found in Chapter 7 of Section 29 of the Arizona Revised Statutes §29-3101, et seq. These changes affect both domestic and foreign limited liability companies in formation, organization, and principal address. Please click here for the list of changes.

2015-06-08 - Foreign checks - Effectively immediately, the Corporations Division will no longer accept checks drawn on non-U.S. banks, even if the funds are payable in U.S. dollars.

2016-07-15 - NOTICE - COPIES AND CERTIFICATES - click here.

2017-01-31 - DO NOT MAIL TO TUCSON OFFICE - Effective 2/1/2017, we are no longer accepting mail at the Tucson office. All mail should be sent to the Phoenix office: Arizona Corporation Commission-Corporations, 1300 W. Washington St., Phoenix, AZ 85007. By mailing directly to Phoenix, the mail will be input into the system more quickly. The Tucson office will continue to provide service to walk-in customers.

2017-07-07 - LEGISLATIVE UPDATE - A corporation omnibus bill was passed this last session. Click here for the summary.

2017-10-18 - ATTENTION STATUTORY AGENTS WITH MORE THAN 25 ENTITIES - We mailed a notice to all statutory agents that had more than 25 entities associated with them. A copy of that Notice is here.

2017-10-18 - ATTENTION MOD ACCOUNT HOLDERS - MOD accounts will be handled exclusively online when we roll out our new database system (due in December). We mailed a notice to all current MOD account holders; you can read it here.

2018-02-23 - DID YOU KNOW? In Arizona, the Sexual Harassment laws apply to an employer who has just one employee. See Arizona Civil Rights Act, A.R.S. § 41-1461(6)(a).

2018-05-29 - NEW SYSTEM - As many of you are aware, we implemented a new computer database system on May 21. The transition has not been smooth, and we apologize for that. We continue this week with issues, most of which affect us internally. This means our processing times have extended. We will post the processing times on this page, since the link in the system is not working.

If you notice inaccuracies in an entity record, please notify us by emailing answers@azcc.gov.

MOD account holders should now have access to their existing accounts. If you do not, please email answers@azcc.gov
Statutory Agents - you should have received some instructions today.  Click here for that document.

2018-08-10 - LLC EFFECTIVE DATE - Did you know that your LLC formation will be effective on the date we received it (once it is processed and filed)? For example, if you deliver it to us electronically or on paper on August 1, even if it takes us until August 31 to examine it and mark it FILED, it will be considered formed as of August 1.

2018-09-26 - DOCUMENT SUBMISSION OR RESUBMISSION - Effective October 5,2018 at 5 pm MST, we will no longer accept documents via email. The document intake email is being discontinued effective October 5, 2018 at 5 pm. We STRONGLY encourage you to file any new submission online (paper resubmissions cannot be made online). We will also accept documents delivered to us in person or by the U.S. Post Office at our physical address. NOTE FOR ONLINE FILING -- you can upload your own document, but you must do the data entry during the filing flow. If you do not, the data will not match the document you upload and that will be rejected.

2018-11-09 - Effective November 16, 2018, the Corporations Division will no longer accept American Express as a payment method. Only Visa and Mastercard will be accepted if you are paying by credit card.

10/18/2017 - ATTENTION MOD ACCOUNT HOLDERS - MOD accounts will be handled exclusively online when we roll out our new database system (due in December). We mailed a notice to all current MOD account holders; you can read it here.

10/18/2017 - ATTENTION STATUTORY AGENTS WITH MORE THAN 25 ENTITIES - We mailed a notice to all statutory agents that had more than 25 entities associated with them. A copy of that Notice is here.

7/7/2017 - LEGISLATIVE UPDATE - A corporation omnibus bill was passed this last session. Click here for the summary.

1/31/2017 - DO NOT MAIL TO TUCSON OFFICE - Effective 2/1/2017, we are no longer accepting mail at the Tucson office. All mail should be sent to the Phoenix office: Arizona Corporation Commission-Corporations, 1300 W. Washington St., Phoenix, AZ 85007. By mailing directly to Phoenix, the mail will be input into the system more quickly. The Tucson office will continue to provide service to walk-in customers.

7/15/2016 - NOTICE - COPIES AND CERTIFICATES - click here.

6/8/2015 - Foreign checks - Effectively immediately, the Corporations Division will no longer accept checks drawn on non-U.S. banks, even if the funds are payable in U.S. dollars.

Consumer Alerts:

3/4/2019 - We have two important updates to our online filing process.

Update to domestic LLC formation filings: your same day approval of LLCs is now available with a $35 expedite fee.

If you file your Articles of Organization electronically without an upload, pay an expedite fee of $35 along with your $50 Articles of Organization fee, your filing will be approved on the same day that your statutory agent accepts the appointment.

If you file your Articles of Organization electronically and upload a document, you may choose an expedited or regular processing timeline. Selecting the "upload" document with an expedite fee will generally take 3-5 business days to process your filing once your statutory agent accepts the appointment. Selecting the "upload" document with a regular processing timeline will generally take 15 business days to process your filing once your statutory agent accepts the appointment.

Update to Corporation Annual Report reminders: you may sign up to receive Annual Report reminders in your eCorp dashboard. To receive a reminder that the entity's annual report is due within 90, 60, 30 and 1 day, please "follow" the business online through an Entity Search. An alert will appear in your dashboard in the Alerts section. We will also send reminder emails to the business email address provided when you submitted your business filing.

If you have any questions, we're here to help. Call us at 602-542-3026.

5/31/2016 - Another solicitation, this time from "United Filings," is circulating to new LLCs and corporations. The solicitation states there is "one step left," and offers to obtain a certificate of good standing for the entity. The customer is instructed to call a telephone number. Click here for an example. This solicitation is NOT generated by the Arizona Corporation Commission. A certificate of good standing is not a requirement for forming an LLC or corporation and is not a "step" in the process of formation. After the LLC or corporation is formed, banks or other persons may ask for a certificate of good standing, and may require that it be dated within a certain time frame. A certificate of good standing can be obtained at any time, whenever it is needed, by using the A.C.C. eCorp website and paying a fee of $45, or by submitting a request on paper for as little as $10.

4/5/2016 - A solicitation from a company called "Compliance Filings Service" is circulating to corporations offering to provide "annual minutes" in exchange for a fee. Click here for an example. This solicitation is NOT from the Arizona Corporation Commission. There is no statutory requirement that "annual minutes" be filed with the Arizona Corporation Commission. "Compliance Filings Service" is not affiliated with the Arizona Corporation Commission in any way. If you have any questions about your corporation's record, please call our Customer Service Call Center at 602-542-3026.

3/22/2016 - We've had reports of a business directing people to our website and claiming that it is evidence of "federal accreditation." Please be advised that registration with the Arizona Corporation Commission is not a license or accreditation, and is not indicative of any expertise or qualification related to any particular business activity. If a corporation or LLC is listed in our records, it means only that the entity was created or registered in Arizona. If the entity is shown to be "in good standing," that means only that it is currently in compliance with filing requirements under Arizona law. This agency does not endorse any particular business and does not grant accreditation to or for any particular business activity.

2023-02-23 - CASH APP SCAM ALERT – A fraudulent Cash App request is circulating from the following sender "Azccc Corporate". Click Here to view a sample of the request.  Please note the Arizona Corporation Commission does not process payments via Cash App. If you feel you have been the victim of a fraudulent charge with Cash App, please visit https://cash.app/help/us/en-us/6482-recognize-scams for further information. 

2022-07-01 - FRAUDULENT CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING – A fraudulent certificate of good standing has been discovered. Click Here to view a sample of the certificate.  Please note a certificate of good standing is not a requirement for forming an LLC or corporation. After the LLC or corporation is formed, banks or other persons may ask for a certificate of good standing and may require that it be dated within a certain time frame. A certificate of good standing can be obtained at any time by using the A.C.C. eCorp website and paying a fee of $10.00, or by submitting a request on paper for $10.00.

2021-07-29 - FRAUD SOLICITATION ALERT - A solicitation from “L C P S” is circulating to LLCs and corporations. The solicitation states, “Your business is required by Federal Law to post a current compliant labor law poster.” The form instructs the customer to send a check or money order to “L C P S” in the amount of $98.00. Click Here to view an example of the fraudulent letter. Please be aware that this solicitation is NOT generated by the Arizona Corporation Commission. If you have any questions, please contact the Arizona Corporation Commission at 602-542-3026. 

2021-03-10 - FRAUDULENT SOLICITATION ALERT - A fraudulent email has been circulating from the following sender: "Accounting Department." The email includes a link to the Arizona Corporation Commission and informs the consumer that they may verify and view their rating on the Arizona Corporation Commission's website. Please be aware that the Arizona Corporation Commission does not rate any companies nor does it regulate their conduct. Click Here to view a sample of the fraudulent solicitation email. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Arizona Corporation Commission at 602-542-3026.

2021-01-19 - FRAUDULENT EMAIL ALERT - A fraudulent solicitation from “AzcorpCommission” is circulating via email. The solicitation states, “Here is official letter in respect to Case File No: _________ of Miss _____________, this is to inform you of the total charges of Late Certificate Renewal fee which include each year Tax Bill that sum up to $3,625 USD. This amount been mentioned will only be accepted by the Commission in person of Miss ___________. An investigation was carried out by our independent auditor about the aforementioned amount been paid in cash by Miss ____ last year but No records of such amount been remitted into the commission financial record was found by our auditor, We are sorry for any inconveniences this might have cause and we suggest that whenever the Bill is ready to be paid we do accept other form of payment including Cashier Check or Money Order receipt are immediately issue out while the Certificate will be ready in 48 hours after payment is made." Click Here to view a sample of the fraudulent email. Please be aware that this solicitation is NOT generated by the Arizona Corporation Commission. The Arizona Corporation Commission issues Certificates of Good Standing only upon a customer’s request, and the fee is $10.00. If you have any questions, please contact the Arizona Corporation Commission at 602-542-3026. 

2020-09-22 - NEW STATUTORY CHANGES AFFECTING LLCs - In relation to the Arizona Limited Liability Company Act, several statutory changes will affect both foreign and domestic LLCs. Although there are several new statutes to be aware of, one statute that will affect all LLCs is that seen within A.R.S. § 29-3201. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 29-3201, statutory agents for LLCs must now provide an Arizona street address and mailing address. If a mailing address is not indicated, the street address will default to the mailing address. As a courtesy to our customers to make any necessary amendments to their LLCs, these changes will not be implemented until November 1, 2020. For a more detailed list of changes, please find the Consumer Alerts Notice entitled, "2019-09-01-Arizona Limited Liability Company Act."

2020-08-26 - FRAUD SOLICITATION ALERT - A solicitation from “AZ CERTFICIATE SERVICES” is circulating to newly formed LLCs and corporations. The solicitation states, “Congratulations on registering your business with the State of Arizona… You have one step left in order to attain your elective Arizona Certificate of Good Standing.” The form instructs the customer to send a check or money order to “AZ CERTIFICATE SERVICES” in the amount of $77.25. Click Here for a sample of the fraudulent letter. Please be aware that this solicitation is NOT generated by the Arizona Corporation Commission. A Certificate of Good Standing is not a requirement for forming LLCs and corporations. Rather, Certificates of Good Standing are typically requested by banks or financial institutions to certify that a company is properly registered with the state. The Arizona Corporation Commission issues Certificates of Good Standing only upon a customer’s request, and the fee is $10.00. If you have any questions, please contact the Arizona Corporation Commission at 602-542-3026. 

2020-04-21 - SAME DAY/NEXT DAY SERVICES ARE HERE! Same Day/Next Day Services will be available tomorrow April 22, 2020. For more information please click here.

2019-12-16 - There has been a change to the online LLC Amendment flow!  If you are amending your Articles of Organization online, you must upload a document even if you are only amending information within the online flow.  You can upload (1)a document containing only the amendment you are making [this can be as simple as I am changing my character of business from “other” to “any legal purpose”]; (2) our Amendment form showing the same amendment entered within the online flow; or (3) your own form.

2019-09-20 - A solicitation from "AZ Certificate Services," is circulating to new LLCs and corporations. The solicitation states there is "one step left," and offers to obtain a certificate of good standing for the entity. The customer is instructed to send a check or money order to AZ Certificate Services. Click here for a copy of the letter. This solicitation is NOT generated by the Arizona Corporation Commission. A certificate of good standing is not a requirement for forming an LLC or corporation and is not a "step" in the process of formation. After the LLC or corporation is formed, banks or other persons may ask for a certificate of good standing, and may require that it be dated within a certain time frame. A certificate of good standing can be obtained at any time, whenever it is needed, by using the A.C.C. eCorp website and paying a fee of $10.00, or by submitting a request on paper for $10.00.

2019-03-04 - We have two important updates to our online filing process.

Update to domestic LLC formation filings: your same day approval of LLCs is now available with a $35 expedite fee.

If you file your Articles of Organization electronically without an upload, pay an expedite fee of $35 along with your $50 Articles of Organization fee, your filing will be approved on the same day that your statutory agent accepts the appointment.

If you file your Articles of Organization electronically and upload a document, you may choose an expedited or regular processing timeline. Selecting the "upload" document with an expedite fee will generally take 3-5 business days to process your filing once your statutory agent accepts the appointment. Selecting the "upload" document with a regular processing timeline will generally take 15 business days to process your filing once your statutory agent accepts the appointment.

Update to Corporation Annual Report reminders: you may sign up to receive Annual Report reminders in your eCorp dashboard. To receive a reminder that the entity's annual report is due within 90, 60, 30 and 1 day, please "follow" the business online through an Entity Search. An alert will appear in your dashboard in the Alerts section. We will also send reminder emails to the business email address provided when you submitted your business filing.

If you have any questions, we're here to help. Call us at 602-542-3026.

2016-05-31 - Another solicitation, this time from "United Filings," is circulating to new LLCs and corporations. The solicitation states there is "one step left," and offers to obtain a certificate of good standing for the entity. The customer is instructed to call a telephone number. Click here for an example. This solicitation is NOT generated by the Arizona Corporation Commission. A certificate of good standing is not a requirement for forming an LLC or corporation and is not a "step" in the process of formation. After the LLC or corporation is formed, banks or other persons may ask for a certificate of good standing, and may require that it be dated within a certain time frame. A certificate of good standing can be obtained at any time, whenever it is needed, by using the A.C.C. eCorp website and paying a fee of $45, or by submitting a request on paper for as little as $10.

2016-04-05 - A solicitation from a company called "Compliance Filings Service" is circulating to corporations offering to provide "annual minutes" in exchange for a fee. Click here for an example. This solicitation is NOT from the Arizona Corporation Commission. There is no statutory requirement that "annual minutes" be filed with the Arizona Corporation Commission. "Compliance Filings Service" is not affiliated with the Arizona Corporation Commission in any way. If you have any questions about your corporation's record, please call our Customer Service Call Center at 602-542-3026.

2016-03-22 - We've had reports of a business directing people to our website and claiming that it is evidence of "federal accreditation." Please be advised that registration with the Arizona Corporation Commission is not a license or accreditation, and is not indicative of any expertise or qualification related to any particular business activity. If a corporation or LLC is listed in our records, it means only that the entity was created or registered in Arizona. If the entity is shown to be "in good standing," that means only that it is currently in compliance with filing requirements under Arizona law. This agency does not endorse any particular business and does not grant accreditation to or for any particular business activity.

Stay Connected

Check here to sign up for Consumer Alerts from the Corporation Division. To receive alerts for your business register at eCorp.azcc.gov.Please call 602-542-3026 with questions for the Corporations Division.

Check here to sign up for Notices and Agendas for Commission Meetings, Hearings and Appearances.Please call 602-542-3931 with any questions.

Check here to receive the latest Commission News Releases and information. Please call 602-542-0728 with any questions.

Arizona Corporation Commission

1200 W. Washington Street

Phoenix, AZ 85007


Corporations Division

1300 W. Washington Street

Phoenix, AZ 85007


Tucson Office (Walk-ins only)

400 W. Congress Street

Tucson, AZ 85701